The portrait of the band was drawn by the celebrity caricaturist Al Hirschfeld. The Draw The Line band lineup consists of: Neill Byrnes Lead Vocals, Harmonica, Percussion (Steven Tyler) Back in 1991, at the request of an agency that just picked us up, we changed the band name from Mass Production to one more Aerosmith recognizable. The album was recorded in an abandoned convent near New York City, rented out for that purpose. 'Renting out an abandoned convent on the outskirts of New York City to record the follow-up to the hellacious Rocks may not have been the best idea, but 1977s Draw the Line still managed to be another down-and-dirty Aerosmith release. share E-Chords uses cookies for functional and analytical purposes. Draw the Line is the fifth album by American hard rock band Aerosmith, released December 1, 1977. show chords YouTube Clip hide all tabs go to top. Other highlights include a reworking of the blues obscurity "Milk Cow Blues," which Perry's pre-Aerosmith group, the Jam Band, played live, as well as "I Wanna Know Why," "Critical Mass," "Get It Up," "Kings and Queens," and "Sight for Sore Eyes." Draw the Line would turn out to be the last true studio album from Aerosmith's original lineup for nearly a decade. Aerosmith - Draw The Line Disciple - Draw The Line Bryan Adams - Draw The Line: auto scroll beats size up size down change color hide chords simplify chords drawings columns. The bottom line was what mattered to Columbia Records, and according to Douglas, this was the fastest selling record the label ever had. The album-opening title track features a gloriously abrasive Joe Perry slide guitar riff and has been featured in concert ever since, while the punk-esque "Bright Light Fright" featured Perry's first ever lead vocal spot on an Aerosmith record. Demand for a new Aerosmith album was sky-high, and Draw The Line took off like a rocket.

Unlike their most recent album successes, the band shies away from studio experimenting and dabbling in different styles instead they return to simple, straight-ahead hard rock. While it wasn't as awe-inspiring as their last two albums - the members have said that the music suddenly got "cloudy" around this time (due to in-band fighting/ego clashes, excessive living, etc.), Draw the Line catches fire more times than not. The end result is a song that became a live favorite for Aerosmith and remains one of their fiercest moments on record.Renting out an abandoned convent on the outskirts of New York City to record the follow-up to the hellacious Rocks may not have been the best idea, but 1977's Draw the Line still managed to be another down-and-dirty Aerosmith release. Aerosmith's recording brings out the ominous tone even more with a frenetic band performance that is drenched in reverb and distortion: Joe Perry and Brad Whitford's feedback-laden guitar riffs snarl out of the speaker while the rhythm section bashes out a stomping groove in the background and Tyler wails out his often surreal lyrics with an intensity to match the music's electric charge. how difficult it was to be yourself and not what everyone else. Its just very catchy, and bluesy, and has a groove to it thats their typical sexy, raunchy style, but more raw. Lyrically speaking, "Draw the Line" has a heavy dose of irony: Athough he was spiraling out of control due to his drug addictions, Steven Tyler was penning slightly ominous lyrics that warned the listener to "know where to draw to line." Elsewhere, the lyrics reveal that Tyler was having trouble following his own advice with lines like "pass me the vial and cross your fingers that it don't take time." The music matches the confused yet urgent tone of the lyrics with a minimalist melody that relentlessly cruises forward on the strength of an ominous-sounding riff. I read an artical where Steven said the song was about handling the pressures of stardom. Draw the Line is a little less rocked out than most later Aerosmith albums. Lyrically speaking, 'Draw the Line' has a heavy dose of irony: Athough he was spiraling out of control due to his drug. One of its best moments is the title track, one of the group's most relentless rockers. As expected, lead singer Steven Tyler rants and. Released in December 1977, Draw the Line was the last pure studio album from the original line-up for the next decade.

One of its best moments is the title track, one of the group's most relentless rockers. Although some fans see Draw the Line as the beginning of a decline for Aerosmith, it still offers up some strong hard rock tunes. Substance abuse and reckless living in general was eating at Aerosmith from the inside, but outwardly they were still putting together a formidable attack. Although some fans see Draw the Line as the beginning of a decline for Aerosmith, it still offers up some strong hard rock tunes.